Danny loves getting his hair cut. As a special treat we took Danny for a trim in FL. Our coupon included a shampoo and he was really into it. The hairdresser was really nervous about washing a toddler's hair, but he did great.
He was so proud of the end result.
Could I love this happy boy anymore?
Perhaps I don't love him enough if I allow this to happen?
Big boy would "swim" on the step by himself
Aunt Tessie brought Danny some flan. He wasn't sure what to think about it.
Tarpon Springs is the Greek village about 5 minutes from my parents house. We went to walk around one evening. Danny loved looking at all the boats. It was killing him not being able to go for a ride.
He loved the turtle
Mimi and Danny in a Greek fishing boat
We went in a really awesome store and met a 4th generation sponge diver from Greece. He gave Danny a necklace, and this is a sponge that he found.